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5 Graphic Design Projects and Games Your Kids Will Love


Any parent with an artistic child knows the importance of keeping their child’s creative mind flowing. I remember how my mom would always carry a small box of crayons (or at least a pen) with her for whenever my brother and I had those emergency “I want to draw now!” sessions. She gave us the artistic push we craved, that led to my pursuit of a career in graphic design. This is a growing industry and companies are always looking for additions to creative teams who will help them thrive.

If you have a kid like I was, here are five graphic design projects and games, you can enjoy with them.

Create Your Own Business Card

Designing your own business card is a fun project that teaches kids how to share important information in the business world. Your kids will learn how to express and get their ideas on a small space. Teach them the type of information that goes on a business card. This is also a great way for kids to practice memorizing important information such as their phone number and home address. You can use an index card for younger children, to give them more space, or you can cut out small 3.5in x 2in cards with our print-out template here.

bcardsTiny Rotten Peanuts



Typography is the study of font types. A huge part of becoming a good graphic designer is building your knowledge of typography. Shoot the Serif is a fast-paced and fun game that is easy to learn. The goal is to simply shoot the font styles that are serif while trying to avoid shooting the sans serifs. A serif is a small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol. A sans serif is a letter or symbol that does not have a line attached. It’s free to play on your computer and available at the iTunes App Store.

Screen Shot 2014-10-03 at 11.23.47 AMShoot the Serif


Custom Package Label

Children love personalizing things. Here’s a fun way to let your kids learn about packaging. Replace your favorite package with your very own design. For inspiration, go through your pantry and find a few packages of food that your child enjoys. See what they have in common. Talk about the way the words are placed or what type of image is used in the package. Notice the colors used to represent different types of food.

MMM_0465-398x600Tiny Rotten Peanuts


 Color Challenge

Here’s one for those trying to master their skills in color theory. This game is a great way to test out color recognition. Drag and drop the colors in each row to arrange them by hue order. There’s no rush, so take your time and see how well you and your kids can do. A lower score is better, with zero being the perfect score.

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 4.42.01 PMColor Test


Create Your Own Logo

 A logo helps build a brand’s identity. Let your kids express what their personal logo would look like. You can create a logo that represents you in general, or create a company that sells your child’s favorite product. Look for examples from their favorite products and companies. Discuss the types of colors that are used to represent different brands. Download a printable template here to get started. Also, check out the difference between the K12 logo from 2000 to 2014 below.

DSC01270Thomas Elementary Art 




The evolution of K12's logo from 2000-2014

OldK12Logo    K12_Logo

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